A downloadable game for Windows

Very simple game where you manage your nation.

Gameplay: just press Enter and upgrade your economy at the end of the year, there are gonna be  random events happening to you, the whole game is based on luck

There is no saving system in the game, your progress resets every time you close the game. There's no tutorial. And there was no UX (user experience) in mind while making the game.

There is really no point in playing this game, play the enhanced version of this game, The Better Nation Ruler (TBNR), instead: https://mrchair1.itch.io/the-better-nation-ruler !

This game is never going to be polished nor updated and is not in development.


Nation Ruler.zip 30 MB

Install instructions

  1. Install the .zip file
  2. Unzip the downloaded file
  3. Read the README.txt and choose a version of the game that works for you
  4. Try it out! (Then go play TBNR!)

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